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Educate | Equip | Empower

Rapid Response Chaplain Corps (RRCC) was birthed out of the desire to train and license chaplains to assist individuals, families, and the unchurched in reaching their full potential both spiritually and naturally. We are dedicated to providing services while clearly demonstrating the love of Christ through words and deeds.

We aspire to become a globally recognized leader in disaster preparedness, expertly training and licensing chaplains for effective crisis response. Our journey is one of faith, healing, and humanity – a journey that welcomes you to be a part of a greater calling.
Rapid Response Chaplain Corps is committed to serving people without housing, refugees, and disaster-affected individuals, providing essential support and hope to those in crisis.
Our mission is to develop a community of compassionate, resilient, licensed chaplains dedicated to meeting global needs with integrity and empathy and transforming lives through the love of Christ.

RRCC Program includes the following components:
1. Comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Training
2. Sustainable Agriculture Initiatives
3. Food Preservation Training
4. Mental Health and Self-Care Workshops
5. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid Training
6. Chaplain Certification and Ordination
Upcoming Events
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Disaster Response Chaplain
Global Disaster Response Training will be offered to those individuals who desire to travel with teams locally and abroad. Responding with compassion to critical needs during national and international disasters. Training non-health and health care personnel spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually through a 2-day (boot camp) extensive training. This class is not just open to Chaplains but anyone who has God's heart for those stricken by tragedy.
Become informed of any Christian or Secular organizations that are involved in your community and what their needs are.
(Remember the more prepared you or your group are with practical plans in place in advance, the greater blessing of peace and provisions you will be to those around you who are suffering hardship and uncertainty). Drs. Mark & Betsy Neuenschwander.


​ Basic Chaplain Training
Ordained Chaplain Credentialing
License Chaplain Credentialing
Chaplain Mentoring Program
Continuing Education & Resources
Network Opportunities
Mission Training and Opportunities
Disaster Response Training
Liability insurance while serving as a RRCC Chaplain

Our Founder

Charlotte Joubert DMin., is a visionary and humanitarian who has the desire to see God’s Great Commission fulfilled. Over the years, she has strived to show the love of Christ to the hurting and lost locally and abroad. She holds a Doctorate in Ministry from Destiny Christian University, is an Ordained Chaplain, and is a Registered Nurse with well over 40 years of experience. One of her most treasured accomplishments is the founding of the Rapid Response Chaplain Corps, headquartered in Detroit, Michigan.
Dr. Joubert has a heart for those suffering physically and emotionally, serving locally in homeless shelters, youth homes, refugee centers, and prisons. A member of Detroit’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), she also has completed several Critical Incident Stress Management courses (CISM) and FEMA courses. Her experience as a Chaplain has extended well over 15 years, with past memberships in the International Fellowship of Chaplains, International Association of Chaplains, and First Responder Chaplains, before founding Rapid Response Chaplain Corps.
Dr. J has been involved in medical and disaster relief teams as a Registered Nurse/Chaplain, on a global level. After the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, she traveled to New York with the International Health Service Foundation Disaster Response team partnered with the Salvation Army serving New York Firefighters and First Responders hot meals and serving wherever team members were needed.
Dr. J was invited to pray along with others at several sites including the Empire State Building to pray over the city. Dr. Charlotte has been to several countries using the skills she has acquired through Chaplaincy and as a Registered Nurse to serve others in need. She has assisted in countries such as Jamaica, Guatemala, Turkey, Greece, Uganda, and Afghanistan.
ï‚· Dr. Joubert states that Rapid Response Chaplain Corps is looking for people with these characteristics:
ï‚· Honorable
ï‚· Honest
ï‚· Integrity
ï‚· Empathy
ï‚· Faithful
ï‚· Confidential
ï‚· Loving
ï‚· Nonjudgmental
Chaplaincy extends far beyond the walls of the church and reaches the unchurched that may be in your geographical area or in another country. Chaplaincy is the Ministry of Presence.
Charlotte Joubert, DMin., RN

Complete the online form and we will send you updates on upcoming events. RRCC is a 501(c) (3) organization located in Detroit, Michigan, USA. We encourage each Chaplain in this organization to take FEMA (free) and CISM training.